Imagination Weekend
An open house, free-play with a variety of sensory & educational opportunities. Parents/guardians stay with their children.
See calendar for specific dates and details.
STEAM Stories
Read stories and complete some STEAM activities to go along with the theme.
See calendar for specific dates and details.
My 1st Library Card
Little ones, from birth to age 5 can participate in this new literacy program and get a special library card. When signing up for their card*, children will receive a library bag, library card, otter book, and otter stuffed animal. There is also a photo opportunity.
My First Library Card will help foster a love of reading, becoming a library lover, and give a kick start to early success, one book at a time! Children will also be signed up for the 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten program.
Book Wizards
Book Wizards meet twice each month to discuss the books they are reading. Each month there is a new theme.
See calendar for specific dates and details.
Lego Club
All ages welcome! Once a month (see calendar) come in, grab some floor space and build your LEGO creations!
LEGOS at Home can be completed anytime! Email a picture of each creation to Entries due by Dec. 31, 2024. Each entry enters you in a drawing & pictures will go on the Wall of Fame.
Fall Story Time starts Wednesday, September 10th!
Our Story Times include stories, songs, and fun activities for ages 2-5. We will have one story time session each Tuesday at 10:00am. Parents/guardians will stay with their children during story time.
A one time registration sheet is required.
Little Movers
Little Movers starts Wednesday, September 4th!
Music and Movement Days (music, movement, and a short story) – 1st and 3rd Wednesdays @ 10am
Play and Learn Days (open house play time) – 2nd and 4th Wednesdays 9:30-12:30
A one time registration sheet is required.
Family Fun Night
All ages welcome! Lots of fun activities! Theme changes each month. Registration Required.
See calendar for specific dates and details.
Award Wall of Fame